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+1 484 393 2780

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To determine whether we would be well-positioned to help your organization, we recommend booking a consultation with us.

No two organizations are the same; we take a unique approach to every team with which we work.

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Why Work With Us?

We think in terms of YOUR mission, not ours.

In contrast to DEI consulting, which (among other things) our team works to remediate, we are not oriented around a specific agenda or ideology. Instead, we hone in on your organization’s core mission and help to reorient your team, department, and processes around it.

Nonprofit Team

DEI Remediation is an initiative of the Pragmatist Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit created to promote a pragmatic perspective and approach in everything from education to politics, interpersonal relationships, government policy, marriage, academics, and child development.

Deep Experience

Our team collectively holds an MBA from Stanford, a Master’s in Technology Policy from Cambridge, and on-hands experience working in venture capital, private equity, nonprofit operations, and more obscure niches ranging from food service to environmental advocacy and brain-computer interface.

Agile Operations

Given our obsession with lightweight, mission-oriented operations, it should come as no surprise that we are very responsive, flexible, and happy to develop custom solutions addressing your unique needs and priorities. We will jealously guard your time: No pointless calls, meetings, or reports.

Free Inspiration; Free Book

You can begin addressing mission creep and organizational inefficiencies well before you begin working with us. Feel free to pick up a free audiobook and ebook copy of our foundation’s Wall-Street-Journal-bestselling book, The Pragmatist’s Guide to Governance for immediate inspiration and guidance.